Thursday, February 5, 2009

BRL Forum Really Pays and Here's the Proof and updates

BRL is a true and paying forum. I just received payment from them not long ago. And some updates about the site... They are now Paying .015 cents per post so it's even faster to earn from them.

Also this site has so many more ways of learning that's it's unbelievealbe. I use to post only in a few sections and now I have found other topics that I'm interested in learning and have found so much more information.

If you have questions about anything to do with a webpage or website or how to do things. This is the site for you. I have had so many questions answered it's unbelievable!!

If you wish to sign up here's the link and below is the payment proof!!!
Sign Up Today!

Payment Proof copied and pasted from my paypal account:

Amount received:
$2.22 USD
-$0.36 USD
$1.86 USD


Feb. 1, 2009
22:00:49 PST


STP Web Hosting LLC
You've got a payment from BRL Forums

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Make Money By Answering Questions and More!!

The first program I want to tell you about is a program where you are asked a bunch of questions. Like "What's the captial of...?" and Math questions and Learning French questions. A bunch of different programs. It's fun and easy to do make some money on this site. They have a low payout of $4.00 thru alertpay and later on they will have a way you can use your points for prizes.

If you are interested in joining please follow this link:
Click Here

Now I did say you can make more from this site... Well because of the questions they ask you can actually do searches to find the answers. Therefore there are sites out there that you can make money from or prizes with doing searches.

There's two different sites that I know of.

The first one is scour. Which you earn 1 point for each search and you can earn 25 percent of what your referral can earn.
If you interested please use the link below to sign up!
Sign Up Here

The second one which I like better. You earn about 7 points per search. 3 points for doing the search and another 4 points for voting if the website was helpful.
You can earn a max. of 100 points a day. Which honestly adds up fast. You also only get 50 points per referral. If you are interested please use the following link:

If you have any questions feel free to contact me!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Earn Money Online By Posting On Forums Part 2

This is another few forums that I am aware of and are in high standings with many other users. So these are Very Trustable sites.

Program: MoraChat
pay: 1 to 2 cents per reply Post.
Payout Min. is when you reach $9.00 thru Paypal
The Discussions on this site are wonderful! It's a lot like mylot because the variety of discussions but at least you see how much you are building in your account. A lot of really nice people and no limit on how much you post either.
Use this link to sign up:

Program: BRL Webmaster
Pay 1.00 BRL which equals to 1 cent per reply more in certain topics
Payout Min. is $2.00 which adds up fast because they give you a sign up bonus.
The Discussions in this forum are mostly about webmaster stuff. IF you are thinking of running your own website or even thinking of ways you can improve your website now or even your blog this is the site to learn. There's lots of people willing to help and answer your questions. Earning money here is nice but learning information while getting paid is even better!
Use this link to sign up:
BRL Sign Up Here

Program: WebmasterMakeMoney
Pay is .05 cents but you can only post every two hours two posts
Payout Min. is $10.00 which is paid thru egold or paypal
The Discussions in this forum are about websites, other paid to programs, affilate programs lots and lots of info.
Use this link to sign up:
Soon to come.. Sorry for any inconvience....

More websites soon to come as soon as I verify they are paying sites and have many happy and satisfied members. Come back soon for New Updates on Making Legitimate Money on the web!!