I signed up about a two weeks ago with realdataentry.net and so far everything is going well. I've been receiving assignments everyday. And I review websites and fill out a questionaire for each of them. I'm over half way to where they payout. But now I'm wondering is this site a Scam?
The Site has Pictures of Proofs right under the Testimonals Page too. I did some research and the only thing I really found was people getting paid. And Two Reports on RipOffReport.com. But I've also found out that on ripoffreport.com that in order for the companies names to be removed they have to pay a fee. So basically they are scaming companies.
Now I have found another site that another person is researching the company. And isn't sure about it as well. But they have been finding other things on the company too.
SO I was wondering if this site really does payout?
I know most data entry sites are scams and I know this and yes there was a small fee. But if you review the site and see for yourself you'll understand where I'm coming from.
Luckily you can pay for it thru paypal and i know you can get your money back in 30 days you just have to file a dispute. So i'm just wondering if this site is really legit.
I've also found some other links about this website that I find useful. The first one is a woman that says they pay. It was in a blog but to get a hold of her you have to contact thru a search website. I did put in thru the contact and I will update if she does contact me.
The next site is about the real facts about realdataentry.net and they leave it up to you whether this site is legit or a scam. It has a lot of real interesting facts.
Now if you have tried this site and it IS a SCAM Please let me know! So I can make others Aware.
Tammy Arroway
Saturday, November 15, 2008
RealDataEntry.net Scam or Legit?
Posted by Tammy Arroway at 1:51 AM
Labels: data, earning extra cash, entry, internet, Making Money, making money online, payment proof, real, real proof, realdataentry.net